How to Upcycle & Style Random Glass Decor Pieces

by Redeux_style

What do you do with all those random pieces of glass that don't have a match like a sugar bowl or the top of a lantern? Sometimes you find these at a flea market you can get them super cheap.

Sellers will put little odds and ends in a box and then you can grab them for so cheap. Sometimes you have the other part of it that busts and then you've got these pieces left over. So I have a couple of quick hacks.  

1. The top of a hurricane oil lamp

Put these tops over tapered candles. Put them over any candle to help them stay lit when they're outside or just to keep the flame controlled.

You could do a smaller candle that you place on a coaster, then take a glass top and pop it right over the candle. Now you've got another really pretty lighting situation where the fire is contained, and the candle won't blow out if you want to put it on your table outside for fall entertaining.

2. Base of a sugar bowl

You can put your candle in the base of a sugar bowl that doesn’t have a top.

Then you can put a lantern top on top of the bowl with the candle. They look like they go together.

3. Make a little container

I found this candle holder that fits on top of this glass to make a great little container for your bar to hold lemon or lime slices. You could put your jewelry in it or make it a little jar to hold cotton swabs.

It's all about just playing with the pieces, messing around with them, and seeing what fits with which piece. Leave me a comment about what you do with your random pieces of glass! Happy glass upcycling!

Follow @redeux_style on TikTok for more design inspiration.

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