How to Tell the Difference Between Trendy Vs Trending Design

I’ll teach you the difference between trendy and trending interior design. What does each term mean? I want to give you advice so you can update your home without spending money on items that will be out of style in no time. It’s always best to decorate with a timeless style and use natural elements. Let’s get started.


The word trendy indicates a moment in time or season. It’s here for one season and gone the next. This means that when you are choosing items for your home that are trendy, you want to do that sparingly and not fully commit to items that will be out of fashion within the season.

For example, Pantone’s Color of the Year from 2022 was Very Peri.

I recommended choosing a few items or accessories with the color…

…but suggested avoiding committing to large-scale items, like a purple sofa or painting a whole room lilac because in a season, it was out of style and another color of the year was chosen.

Trendy items expire within a few years. They can be used in small doses to keep the home feeling updated and with the times. Remember the trend of placing ivy above kitchen cabinets in the 1990s? Now this look is very dated.

Does this mean you shouldn’t buy trend items? Of course not! But you can incorporate them into your design and keep your design updated and current.


Trending indicates a movement towards something. They will be appealing for five to seven years.

Tthe incorporation of natural elements into the home has been trending over the past few years and will continue to do so. If you’re updating your home, invite elements of nature into the design. You can select medium-large scale items for the home if you are choosing from trending designs.

For example, beams on your ceiling, natural fiber rugs, and an earthy palette are all great ways to stay in the flow of natural trending design.

Trending design is more slow-moving and morphing--they aren’t all over the map but they evolve into the next phase over time. This means you won’t have to overhaul the entire home in five to seven years but instead, you only need to update a few things that have fallen away from the trending motion, like this living room above. Though it was designed in 2015, there are only a few things that will need updating since it already has many classic and trending elements to it.

Trendy vs Trending

I hope this brief explanation of the differences in trendy vs. trending in interior design is helpful to you. It will help you choose items and schemes easily. Have you ever purchased a large-scale item in a trendy color or pattern? What happened to it or do you still have it? Share with us in the comments here.

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