Early Summer Home Decor Ideas For Your Living Spaces

We are finally moving on to summer decorations for the home, and I know that it's not summer quite yet, but I love decorating early so you can collect all the ideas that you can before summer actually arrives.

I have so many fun and fresh new summer home decor ideas this year, so let’s jump right into it.

Getting started with the entryway, I always decorate like this. I've had that lamp in that corner over there for so long now.

I felt like I really wanted to change it up and do something different. I went ahead and removed the lampshade, and I tried to put it on this other one that I have.

I think I might've ended up ruining the lampshade because I crushed it a little bit. The console table is kind of slim and the lamp is so wide that I can't put it in the center of the console table because of the wall, if that makes sense.

I also keep doing the whole plant thing with this vase. I love the stems that I have. They're beautiful. I don't want to change them.

But I felt like the vase was missing something, so I went ahead and put these little white pebbles that I found at Target. It's just a vase filler but honestly, it looks so good. Plus, it also helps hide the end of the stems, which I think is so perfect.

And then over on this side, I went ahead and wiped down the decor books that I have and as you can tell, I have that little bowl over there with the coconuts. I actually ended up removing that because I didn't like how it looked, so I might end up using that somewhere else in the house, but not today.

Right on top of the books, I went ahead and put this candle here. It has very coastal vibes. It also smells amazing. I found it at HomeGoods.

And then right next to it, I am trying to figure out what I want to do exactly. So I thought these two stacked boxes would look so perfect. And I also don't like it to feel too cluttered because I like having an empty gap somewhere on the console table, no matter which way I style it.

As you guys know, I love the minimal style, and I want to make sure that I still accomplish that while using as much decor as I can and making the space feel more lived in. So I try my best trying to work with both styles that I have, and I think I kind of figured out something.

So this is the finished look for the entryway, and it looks amazing.

As you can tell, those two picture frames in the back still don't have anything in them. I just haven't had a chance to order some printables from Etsy, but I will sometime soon. They definitely need something in them for sure.

Alright so moving on to the formal living room, I went ahead and started dusting everything off, especially because I don't come in here too often. I only hang out in here if I need to relax or need some space for myself.

This is especially true because this area barely gets dirty because the kids like to hang out in the family room where it's literally like a tornado passes by there every single day. So over here, I don't necessarily clean all the time, so it gets a little bit dusty.

But anyway, I went ahead and added this cute little milking stool here with this vase and some olive branches.

And then on the other side, I went ahead and brought over my basket that was in the other living room, and I decided to put it over here instead.

And then for this vase, I went ahead and added some beautiful stems. I really like the way these look because they are very tropical and very wispy too. I really like the look of them. It feels like they came out of a river if that makes sense. I thought that was the perfect fit for the summer look that I wanted to go for.

And then I just kind of played around with the styling of everything and finally figured out what I wanted.

Moving on to the couch over here, I went ahead and fluffed everything up. I laid this throw blanket on here, and that's pretty much everything I did then I called it a day.

Then behind the couch, I moved the new console table I recently picked up. It used to be in my other living room, but I decided to move it over here instead.

I felt like it would have looked way better here and it does.

Here is how it all looked in the end.

Summer home decor ideas

Summer home decor includes some of my favorite pieces all year long. And the summer home decor ideas I am sharing this go-round are sure to spark some interest in you.

Which pieces would you like to see in your home? Which can you do without? Let me know in the comments section.

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  • Slc3157386 Slc3157386 on May 11, 2024
    Please use correct grammar when you write a sentence. It is not necessary to keep repeating, "I went ahead and"... Your design ideas were very nice and would be easy ti implement.