Sipping in Style: Decorating My Hutch With Vintage Teacups

Hello, sweet friends! I'm so glad you're here today. In today's video, I'll be decorating my hutch. This has been a dream of mine – to decorate it with some vintage teacups.

I went ahead and decorated the top of the hutch with a basket of flowers. I thought it looked light, bright, and airy for summer.

On the top two shelves, I added my teacup collection along with a couple of ironstone creamers with some delicate-looking flowers.

If you remember the Laura Ashley vase I thrifted, I added some of those daisy-looking flowers from Hobby Lobby and set them in front of an ironstone plate to bring out the color of the vase.

I also added a few tea items I've collected over the years, put out my honey spoons and teapot, and set it on a cutting board just to protect anything in case it gets hot.

This is something I've been wanting to do for quite some time – decorate my hutch in a tea theme. So here we are today, this is how it all turned out!

Moving over to my dining room table, guys, it's just so simple for summertime. I don't decorate my table like I do for fall and Christmas.

In January, I just start decluttering, and it's just this simple: a woven basket with an ironstone picture and some more of those little daisy-like flowers from Hobby Lobby.

I hope you guys are having a wonderful and blessed summer. Well, it's almost summer – it feels like summer here in Kentucky!

So you have to let me know: do you guys have a favorite teacup when you drink tea? Or do you not drink hot tea at all? I just love having different teas and trying out new ones.

You can find links to some of the products featured in the video description box here.

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