What Color Should I Paint My Front Door? Here's How to Choose

Part of my job is to choose paint colors for my clients, and it seems to be a problem that a lot of people go through. This is especially true when people are asking themselves, what color should I paint my front door?

So today, I thought it would be worth sharing with you guys the process I use for choosing front door paint colors, whether it’s on a brick house or a sided house, and picking trim colors to go along with it and things like that.

My hope is that watching me decide will give you front door paint ideas of your own.

Selecting a front door paint color

While I’m usually in charge of picking all exterior colors for a home, this time I'm going to select a front door paint color for a client who has their siding and trim colors already chosen. I had nothing to do with those options, and I have been tasked with choosing what color to go on the door.

Fanning out the colors in the paint deck

Now, she said it could be anything from purple to blue, to red to green, so I have a number of options to choose from. In a case like this, what I always do is pull out my paint deck. This one is Sherwin-Williams, but you know that every company has a paint deck that they work with that has every color that they offer so it is a great place to start.

And, of course, from this entire paint deck, I narrowed it down to the color range that she wanted and within some sort of tone that would work well with the siding and trim colors. Right now, we have to narrow it down, and then we'll narrow it down even further from there.

Selecting colors from the paint deck

So what I didn't choose were oranges, seafoam greens, bright yellows, bright purples, and things like that. All of those are left in the deck along with colors that are very matchy-matchy, like grays, sagey greens, and things like that.

We want something that pops just a little bit, but what I like to do in a case where we've got the light trim and we have a medium tone on the siding, I like to go a little darker with the door. So basically, you have three shades going on within the composition of your home. So just keep all of that in mind.

Again, if you have kind of an opposite situation, if you have light trim and a super dark siding, maybe you want to go lighter with the door. But I'm going to show you specifically what we did on this one to choose, and I've given her several options. I want to pull them out for you and show you.

Darker tones

Since we're going to go dark, hopefully, you guys can see that since we're going to go dark, we're going to stick with the bottom end of a lot of these paint strips.

Lighter tones

Everything up here is light and too close to the tone of what that siding is going to be, so we want to stay to the bottom because remember, these paint chips and cards go from light all the way down to the darkest shade.

Dark red, plum, green, and blue

All right, so since we wanted to stay dark, here are the colors that I pulled for her. We've got several shades of red and one that even comes down into a kind of a plummy color with a little touch of purple in it, so all three of those, and then we've also come up with a really dark green and then also a really dark blue.

Gale Force by Sherwin-Williams

I have to say, my favorite out of any of these is the blue color which is called Gale Force, which again is a Sherwin-Williams color.

So again, you've got dark, medium, and light. So you want to, no matter what composition you have in your space, whether you have dark or trim, you want to make sure that you kind of have those three, a dark, a light, and a medium.

Front door paint colors

I know choosing a paint color can be really stressful, but I'm trying to take a little bit of the difficulty out of it for you guys because it can be easier, I promise.

By now, you should know a bit more information in order to answer that age-old question, what color should I paint my front door?

Let me know how you walked through the thought process of choosing your own front door paint color down below in the comments section.

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