Our Cottage Style Family Room Reveal

When I was small, fall was the season of perpetual anticipation.

As soon as school started, I knew that Christmas was on the horizon.

I spent months flipping through catalogs, circling items I wanted to see under the tree and dreaming about how the family room would look on Christmas morning.

Well. I wish I could tell you that things had changed. That I've matured or that I'm more patient now, but between you and me, that'd be a big lie.

Especially this year.

This post was sponsored by Calico Corners

Sometime in late August, I found out that my brand new, long awaited, custom couch from Calico Corners would most likely be showing up at my house sometime around the holidays.

I was so excited, I think I actually did a little clapping dance in the store.

The anticipation of a finished room was almost too much to bear.

I spent the next few months flipping through catalogs, circling items and dreaming about how my family room would look sometime around Christmas morning.

And then in the middle of October, the surprise call came. My checked baby was being delivered. I was overjoyed.

It took nearly six months of planning and renovation to take the room from this before:

To this after:

And it was so worth the wait.

When it showed up, I was literally speechless.

It was better looking than I ever could've imagined. And yet, placed in front of that dreamy floral wallpaper, it looked just as I thought it would when I chose the fabric and sofa style in the shop with my designer, Yvonne.

Trust me, I adored my old floral couch, but this one is so bright and fresh. It's inspired an entirely different, modern and cozy, cottage style vibe.

Of course, I didn't have a lot of time to stand around admiring the view. Once the sofa was unwrapped, I was on a mission to complete the rest of the room.

Since it was already filled with so many bold focal points, I decided on a very neutral rug and a few solid, velvet pillow covers.

With pom pom trim. My favorite.

I also decided to keep my coffee table. I originally thought I'd go with white wood, but once the sofa and reupholstered window seat were in the space, I realized I needed a piece with a little visual weight.

Plus it was the right dimensions.

And free.

Speaking of, I also repurposed the old lamp. I just bought a new seagrass shade. It was a bargain purchase and fits the aesthetic so well.

It also adds a little seaside flair to my beach cottage home.

I did get a new end table to organize my hubby's toys. The old piano bench was sweet but insufficient. The new cabinet has a drawer for the remotes, a cabinet for his laptop and books.

Best of all it has a little flip up compartment with outlets to plug in all his electronics and store the cords when not in use.

That's my favorite part.

Nothing to spoil the charm of the room or the illusion it creates of a simpler time.

Filled with afternoon tea, quiet gatherings and hardcover books, read under a blanket, on that plushy 10 foot long window seat.

The curtains overhead are new, too. I'm a pattern girl, so plain ring clip valances didn't feel right.

I made them and my husband made the rod out of copper pipe. We couldn't find one in the proper size for this very old bay window, so he came up with a creative, custom one.

I was going to paint it white, but there's something warm about the copper, so for now, it stays.

I wish I could say that was that, but honestly, the rest of the room is still in process.

There are a few more details I need to work out...which is fine, since I enjoy feathering my spaces over time.

Visiting tiny shops for unique decor, getting ideas. Collecting vintage pieces, like that delicate rose pitcher.

Enjoying the journey, as I fill the room with stories, as well as decoration.

Specifically, I'm in the market for something to go on that green wall. It should be simple, perhaps white, maybe a mirror with carved roses.

My husband has started calling this the garden room, so I may as well stay on theme.

I'm also waiting for my ottoman. It's currently with the upholsterer.

I dropped it off at Calico after the sofa was delivered, so they could match the checks perfectly. I love their attention to detail.

In the meantime, we still have plenty of room to stretch out. The couch is a whopping 94" inches long.

Now, my husband and I are not little people. I'm 5'8" and he measures in almost six feet.

And when we sit in our respective corners, I feel like we're in an old movie where a king and queen eat dinner at opposite ends of a very long table.

It makes me laugh.

And smile big, content on that sofa.

The one I'd been dreaming about for months.

Anticipating it's arrival.

And seeing it my room, just in time for Christmas.

How fabulous.

What do you think of the reveal?

Kim  |Exquisitely Unremarkable
Want more details about this and other design ideas? Check out my blog post!
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2 of 10 comments
  • Pen69841526 Pen69841526 on Jan 28, 2024

    This is very pretty, I’m a country cottage kinda person so this is much nicer to me than all this dark, bold, angular decor people seem to like now.

  • Constance Constance on May 06, 2024

    Beautiful! The couch looks adorable with the floral wallpaper. The room feels very happy and cozy.
