Kitchen, Living & Dining Room Summer Refreshes

Today, we're going to be decorating my formal dining area as well as the kitchen. We're also going to be revisiting the living room which I decorated last time. Here’s how to decorate for the summer:

Kitchen Decor

Of course, I have a ton of dishes. I also have dirty dishes in the sink, but for this video, we're going to pretend like they're not there because I honestly didn't feel like doing the dishes for this video. So please excuse the mess.

Anyway, we're going to start over in this corner right here, and this is where my Keurig coffee maker is. I've always had this struggle with how to decorate here.

I always wanted to make it look nice and cozy, just very welcoming, and I think I finally figured out something that just worked very well for me and I love to look at now.

So, I went ahead and added a cutting board at the bottom as my base.

Then, if you guys follow me on Instagram, then you saw that I got these books from the thrift store. You can find great décor books for one to three dollars. If you remove the covers, they look beautiful.

I put those in the middle, I put a candle on one side, and then the plant on the other. This plant I got from HomeGoods, and I actually ended up switching the plant for a different one that I found at At Home just because I felt like it's a little bit more summery and more realistic-looking.

Right next to it, I added these two containers that I've had for a while. I've had a couple of people ask me where I got them from, and these are from HomeGoods as well.

Then, over next to my stove, I went ahead and added two cutting boards, which are also from HomeGoods.

Right above the stove, I have this rack thing, and I actually didn't drill it into the tile because I didn't want to ruin it. I used Gorilla tape and some hot glue to put it on there. I usually typically don't like things to be permanent because I change my mind a lot, so I'd rather have something that I can take off, and it sticks very well; it hasn't fallen off so I think that's great. But anyway, I put a little basket there with some flowers and then a little napkin.

If you guys have any suggestions on what to hang there that isn't too heavy that I won't yank it off the tile, definitely let me know.

Then, for this container here, also from HomeGoods, I went ahead and added all of my wooden spoons. This is my favorite part of the entire kitchen; such an aesthetic little corner that I love.

Right in front of it, I just added this little spoon holder and two books. I removed this tray and put a little plant on there as well.

As you can see, I'm kind of playing with this corner here.

It was really hard to figure out what to do with it. I actually always have my blender here, so I might just end up putting that back.

This little wooden tray you can find at Target. It's acacia wood, and then on top of it, I just put the soap dispenser and this cute little pot thing that I found at HomeGoods. I actually ended up switching it out for another gray one that I liked better.

That is what the kitchen looks like, you guys. I love just how perfectly everything flows together, and it's also not too busy. So, whenever we're actually using the kitchen and there's a bunch of clutter on it, it doesn't look too crazy.

Formal Living Room Decor

Then moving on to the formal living room...

I switched the couch to the other side where the window is, and I bought this new plant. I used to have an olive tree here, but now I have this beautiful plant that I found at Target.

I just love how wispy and natural-looking it is. It's temporary because I actually want to DIY a bigger one that kind of looks like this.

I always get questions on where I got the coffee table from. It's actually a coffee table from Facebook Marketplace.

It used to be this very, very dark red wood, and I used Easy Off to strip all of that varnish off, and it turned out into this beauty.

Then, over in this corner, I actually would love to hear your suggestions on what I should do here. I'm thinking maybe like a bookcase or like a ladder blanket rack.

I just added this vase from Hobby Lobby with some curly stem branches in there.

Decorating for Summer

We're a couple of days into summer and I'm already hating it, like seriously, it's not pleasant. It's extremely hot outside; it was like 100 degrees yesterday, and I was dying. So honestly, I'm just ready for fall, and I just want to say we're almost there.

Let me know what you think about these summer freshes in the comments below.

For details of the products mentioned, check out the video description box here.

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3 of 5 comments
  • Wal106452676 Wal106452676 on Jul 23, 2024
    Hanging a cloth napkin over the stove is not a good idea. its likely to catch fire or fall into an open pot you are cooking.
    • William William on Jul 23, 2024
      I was thinking the same - even basket could be a fire hazard. And don’t get me started on cleaning that stuff over gas range!
  • Msu107398129 Msu107398129 on Jul 23, 2024
    I just got a flower pot to use as a utensil crock for less than $5.