How to Create a Home You Love: 6 Simple Homemaking Tips

Today I want to share some homemaking tips, specifically how to create a home you love.

It can be such a weight on your heart and mind to come home to a space that you don't feel happy in. I'm a huge believer that everyone deserves a home they feel loved and safe in.

So let's chat about a few ways you can transform your house, creating a home you love with the perfect interior design ideas for you.

Decluttering a home

1. Declutter and simplify

Number one is to declutter and simplify. This is incredibly important so don't ignore this tip. We live in a time where we collect and consume so much.

Stress over a cluttered home

We need to keep in mind that the more we have around the house, the more our minds feel cluttered too, and this can take away from our peace. Simplify what you own by only keeping what you need and love.

Marie Kondo

I'm sure you've all heard Marie Kondo saying by now, does it spark joy? Well, that's a fantastic qualifier. Also keep in mind, when was the last time you used that item? If it's not recent, toss it.

This process can take several days or even weeks if you go room by room, but I promise simplifying what you own can make you feel mentally unburdened.

Organized drawers

2. Create systems

Number two, create systems for cleaning and organization. This is another tip that's easy to ignore, but it makes a big difference. Create systems that help you keep your home clean and organized.

Decluttering a closet

For instance, have a place for your keys and mail so that you don't just drop them off on the counter or table when you walk in the door. Keep baskets or drawers assigned for your kids' toys.

Tidy and organized pantry

I recommend having a spot and process for the habitual motions of our day that typically leave a mess behind because, just like the first tip, keeping a tidy house can make us feel peace and serenity in our homes.

Lighting a scented candle

3. Consider scents

Number three, consider scents. When I finish a decorating day for my clients and I'm about to do the big reveal, I always light a scented candle.

Why? Because this is a vital layer of creating a welcoming atmosphere. A lovely scent invokes a sense of invitation and warmth.

Scented candle

Certain scents promote different emotions such as energy and focus or tranquility and coziness. So keep that in mind when you're choosing what kind of environment you want to create.

Displaying books on a coffee table

4. Display what you love

Number four, display what you love. I'm sharing this tip from my daughter who is fantastic about only bringing things into her home that she loves. She has learned that by surrounding herself with things that bring her joy, she feels more at home.

So do you love books? Incorporate them into your decor by stacking a few on your coffee table and setting a candle on top. Fill your bookshelves with the books you love.

Family photo gallery wall

Maybe you are a big family person. Create a uniform gallery wall of family photos that make you happy. Put your kids' art on the refrigerator door or keep a scrapbook of their work on your coffee table.

By keeping what you love on display, you ensure that everywhere your eye looks it is something that brings you joy. Keep things that bring you stress out of sight and those that bring you happiness in the forefront.

Using plants in home decor

5. Bring in nature

Number five, bring in nature. Bring life into your home. Buy a plant in a cute pot and take care of it. You'll come to find that it brings you a sense of success and pride.

Not to mention that having live plants in the house reduces stress and even improves air quality.

Dying plant

But keep in mind that a dying or dead plant can do the opposite. There's nothing more pitiful than a dying plant.

Watering plants regularly

Keep up with your plants and enjoy the benefits.

6. Practice gratitude

Number six, gratitude. Now this is the biggest and most important tip of all.

I know exactly how it feels to be discontent with your home and wishing you could do all sorts of projects but finding your budget gets in the way. I know what it's like to see other homes and wish yours looked the same way.

Comparison to others online

We all compare our homes to other people's. I mean how can we not? Social media is flooded with people sharing their homes and renovations, so it's difficult to see and not feel jealous.

However, I have learned through lots of conscious effort that gratitude is the best way to combat discontentment.

Realizing just how blessed we are to have a roof over our heads, electricity, a bed, and the safety of our homes can make all the difference.

Being thankful

Appreciating what you have reminds you to be thankful and focus less on what you wish you had.

Social media detox

If you're struggling with this, I recommend two things. First, take a break from social media. The vast majority of influencers only show the positive and perfect, not the realistic factors.

So, don't be fooled into thinking that's reality, because it's most likely not. Take a break from bombarding your mind with those unrealistic expectations.

Gratitude journal

Second, make a list of what you're grateful for and speak it out loud. Read it every morning or night if you need to but at least write it down and meditate on your blessings. This helps shift your focus from desire to contentment. In your gratitude, you'll find you love the home you have.

Home interior design ideas

Gathering the home interior design ideas that you find most appealing is the secret to transforming your spaces. It feels good to be surrounded by nice things that you enjoy.

If you have your own tips for how to create a home you love, leave them in the comments. I know we would all benefit from learning more about how to love where we dwell.

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  • Elizabeth Haire Elizabeth Haire on Mar 14, 2024
    If your things are usable you could donate them. That also provides a grateful attitude within because you are helping others. It's a good feeling to be able to do that. My "family gallery" is across from "my" seat at the dining table. Though my family isn't present, I can see them every day. ☺️ I hope everyone takes a good look at this post and uses the ideas to create their own version of Hone Sweet Home. Thank you for sharing this with our world.
  • Roberta Banks Roberta Banks on Jul 26, 2024
    A wonderful inspiring message. Thank you for sharing!💕